Dandelion ELC
Photos week of the 9th September
Hi Dandelion families!
Thank you for inviting me to photograph at your school this year! My name is Lanes and I have been a school and kinder photographer for 10 years. I specialise in children with sensory and social needs with a goal to make school photos a calm and enjoyable experience.
I have created this webpage to give you all the information regarding your centre photo week. For some more info on Teddy & Duck and me, you can use the Home or About Me pages.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Photo Schedule
The day will begin with the younger children then move up the year levels. Photos are taken at your child's pace and in the environment which they are most comfortable. If needed, photos will be taken in stages to give the student time to decompress.
Under no circumstances will your child be pressured or forced to co-operate. Their well-being and enjoyment is my priority.
Yes, we do sibling photos! Sibling photos do take more time than individual photos as we need to co-ordinate the eat, sleep and play times for two or more rooms.
The centre staff and I will do our best to fulfill your requests for sibling photos, but it may not always be possible.
What first?
A small deposit of $20 is required upon registration and can be used as a credit towards your order. Once the photos have been taken, the deposit cannot be refunded.
However, it will be refunded if your child is absent or refuses photos.
Kindly ensure to click on the link provided after the registration process and submit the form only once.
What next?
After One week: Galleries are sent out to families and orders are open.
After Two weeks: Orders close.
After Three weeks: Photos are edited and ready to be printed.
After 4-6 weeks: Orders are sent to the centre
Digital orders will be downloadable for all of 2024 but will be archived at the end of the year.
Products & Pricing
Please see here a full list of pricing, I am confident that you will find a package that suits your needs.